Thursday, March 17, 2016

Gia Bath & Body Works : Green Clay Detox Mask

Women have used clay masks since time immemorial to improve the health of the skin. Clay masks can curb the excessive production of oil, while the absorbency, astringency, and exfoliating properties of clay masks are all efficient in the fight against acne. By absorbing the natural oils of the skin, clay masks have an exfoliating effect and help eliminate the root causes of acne. Moreover, they soak up all the dirt accumulated during the day, cleaning the pores and giving the skin a smooth appearance (1). 


Learn more about Gia Bath & Body Works HERE!

  • French Green Clay: Has detoxifying skin care benefits that can be attributed to its unique mineral composition. When applied topically, it can aid the skin in healing and ridding itself of harmful toxins (2). The clay cleanses and gently exfoliates making the skin feel softer while tightening pores and aiding in the optimal function of oil glands. Additionally, green clay has been known to boost blood circulation in the skin while removing dead skin cells. Used as a facial mask, green clay effectively removes excess oil and other impurities that cause clogged pores (2).
  • Fullers Earth:  Rich in aluminum silicate, the clay is a great oil-absorber on top of working well for addressing hyperpigmention, as it has mild bleaching properties, when combined with some rose water and used as a mask, it helps boost circulation (3,4). Its high lime content kills harmful bacteria that causes excess oil and dirt accumulation (4). Rich in magnesium chloride, it is useful in reducing acne and blemishes. It has a cooling and soothing effect which is good for people suffering from sunburn or acne and aids in reducing inflammation.  Has anti-aging properties that help tighten skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines (4).
  • Kaolin Clay: A naturally occurring soft clay with absorbency & astringent properties. The mildest of all clays, it is very suitable for sensitive skin types. It helps stimulate circulation while gently exfoliating and cleansing without pulling out the skin’s natural oil while removing dead cells from your skin's surface. (5). White kaolin clay is the gentlest and thus great for sensitive dry skin.
  • Rhassoul Clay: Rich in magnesium, silica, potassium, and calcium, which all help to nourish your skin; the molecular structure of rhassoul clay gives it a unique ability to absorb excess dirt and oil, as well as extract toxic matter from the skin (6). Rhassoul clay has even been shown to improve dry skin by regulating skin’s natural oil balance and an improvement in the clarity, elasticity, firmness, and overall texture of their skin (6).
  • Rose Petal Powder: Has antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties that can help treat acne and acne prone skin, reduce swollen spots, redness and has skin calming properties (7). Rose is especially beneficial for sensitive skin because the sugars in its petals create a soothing feeling (7).
  • Almond Powder: Almond flour is a wonderful way to nourish the skin while providing gentle exfoliation and promote the natural turnover of skin cells. Almonds can cleanse the skin by eliminating toxins and free radicals from your body. The various antioxidants in almonds possess anti-ageing properties which help in reducing fine lines and wrinkles. The vitamin E component is considered a skin food as it nourishes the skin, keeping it smooth and glowing, can help to remove fine lines and wrinkles. It can also lighten age spots and other blemishes on the skin. (8,9).

The green clay detox mask comes in a 50 gm plastic container with a golden screw on top. Green in color, the mask in fine powder in texture, dry in consistency and does not have any distinguishable fragrance. This was a complimentary product along with the rest of my order.

To use, take the required amount with a wooden spatula into a ceramic bowl (metallic implements that can lessen the efficacy of the green clay due to ionic exchange disruption) add mixer fluid (I prefer aloe juice, floral hydrosols or raw milk depending on how my skin feels) and bring it to a paste like consistency before slathering on. Rinse off when it gets to the damp stage, rinse and moisturizer accordingly.

I have shunned from clay masks as my skin type is dry and flaky and clay masks are typically marketed for oily skin types making one believe they won't work for other skin types. 

Clay masks have a tendency to dehydrate dry skin making it feel tight if left for too long. Recently I read this excerpt that doled out advice about the right way to use a clay mask and it all made perfect sense.   

According to Sharon McGlinchey, a facialist:

"...there are three phases of a clay mask: damp phase where your skin drinks in the beneficial minerals from the outside, start of the dry phase, which exercises your capillaries and stimulates blood flow as the mask cools and contracts and then there's the dry phase, which draws out moisture from the surface of your skin, causing dehydration and irritation." (10)

So heeding the above advice, I decided to use the mask after oil cleansing and rinsed it off well before it reached the flaky stage. The result: a radiant, cleansed skin sans the dry stretchy feel. I did follow up with a drop of serum as it is part of my bedtime routine.

Clay masks allow users to deep clean their pores and fight acne.  Working up a sweat at the gym daily makes it necessary I incorporate a clay mask at least twice weekly into my routine.

Packed with vitamins and nutrients, clay masks could help revitalize the skin and make it look supple.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, this is Sudeshna. Are clay masks suited for combination/sensitive skin? How long do you keep the mask before washing it off?


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